Check out our extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions below. Click on a question to see the answer. If you need further help you can add a comment to the relevant comment.
- Can I convert my own movies and play them on the PSP?
- Can I email my game saves to friends or upload them to a server/website/FTP site?
- Can I play games from Japan or US on my European PSP? What about UMD movies?
- Can I play PlayStation 1 games on my PSP?
- How can I update the Flash version on my PSP?
- How come my PSP background changed colors?
- How do I backup/rip a UMD?
- How do I connect my PSP to my stereo?
- How do I convert UMD rips to ISO, CSO, DAX or EZIP?
- How do I create my own PSP Magazine?
- How do I game share?
- How do I load Homebrew?
- How do I mute the PSP?
- How do I play music on my PSP?
- How do I put photos on to my PSP?
- How do I put videos onto my PSP?
- How do I read RSS News Feeds on my PSP?
- How do I rip games into ISOs?
- How do I update my PSP?
- How do I use Skype on my PSP?
- How do I use the Internet Radio?
- I cannot save bookmarks on my browser!
- Oddworld: Soulstorm Release Date Set for April, Free on PS5 with PlayStation Plus
- Security Settings and Content Control
- What are the differences between Japanese, American and European PSPs?
- What happens if the battery dies or I need to turn the PSP off?
- What happens of I switch of my PSP or if the battery dies during an update?
- What is a Custom Firmware?
- What is Bricking? What does it do to the PSP?
- What is Homebrew?
- What is meant my Downgrading a PSP?
- What is the battery life for the PSP?
- What is the PSP "Giga-Pack"?
- What is the PSP directory structure on the Memory Stick Duo/PSP Memory Card?
- What is XMB? What does it have to do with the PSP?
- What Memory Card does my PSP support?
- What type of files can I store on my memory stick?
- What type of PSP retail packs area available?
- What types of RSS feeds does the PSP support?
- When was the PSP released in Europe?
- When was the PSP released in Japan?
- When was the PSP released in North America?
Can’t find what you are looking for? Recommend a question using the comment section below.