For Firmware Versions < 2.8
Connect your PSP to a PC/Mac via USB cable. The PSP will show up as a removable drive. If you open the drive, you will see a folder named “PSP”, open theis folder and create a folder called “MUSIC”, if it doesn’t already exist.
Open the “MUSIC” folder and you can drag and drop MP3 files.
For Firmware Versions 2.8+
Connect your PSP to a PC/Mac via USB cable. The PSP will show up as a removable drive. If you open the drive, you will see a folder named “MUSIC”, if it doesn’t already exist create it.
Open the “MUSIC” folder and you can drag and drop MP3 files.
Note: It is important that you make sure your files are saved as either MP3 or ATRAC, as the PSP will not recognize other file types (including WMA and OGG).