Dark_AleX, the mastermind behind Custom Firmware 2.71 SE, has released a new custom firmware based on Firmware 3.02. Currently at OE-B, the custom firmware has all the features of 2.71 SE-C and more, including the ability to play your own PSOne ISOs and change the region code on your PSP.
In fact, this new firmware update is so exciting that I had to take some time out of playing Final Fantasy VII to post this article (that’s right, I’m playing FFVII like many others on the PSP – no need to wait for Sony to release is via the PlayStation Store).
Here is a full list of what’s new in 3.02 OE:
- 3.02 Custom Firmware – 3.02 firmware environment with 1.50 homebrew capability.
- Can run homebrew using 3.02 kernel
- UMD Video region free
- PSP kernel region selector
- O/X button selector
- WMA enabling option
- Flash player enabling option
- Pops (SCE PSONE emulator) – DRM protection hacked and ability to play your own PS1 ISOs.
- More Recovery menu features
- Can run UMDs that require Firmware 3.02
- Tool for converting PS1 ISOs to PSP EBOOTs
The installation is just like the previous custom firmwares by Dark_AleX, but here is a guide anyway:

Generating the DATA.DXAR:
- Copy ‘oeupdmaker’ and ‘oeupdmaker%’ to /PSP/GAME/ if you are using 1.50 firmware and to X:/PSP/GAME150 if you are using whatever version of 2.71 SE.
- Get the 1.50 and 3.02 Update EBOOTS in the ‘oeupdmaker’ folder with the names ‘150.PBP’ and ‘302.PBP’.
- Run ‘oeupdmaker’ from the XMB. This program will create a file called DATA.DXAR in the same directory (oeupdmaker).
- The program will verify that the SHA-1 of the generated file is correct.
- Once that you have done this, you can save the DATA.DXAR file to skip this step in the future.
Flashing DATA.DXAR:
- Copy the directories ‘oeflasher’ and ‘oeflasher%’ to ‘/PSP/GAME’ (or /PSP/GAME150 if you are on 2.71 SE)
- Copy the generated DATA.DXAR from ‘oeupdmaker’ to ‘oeflasher’ directory.
- Run the flasher. If your battery is less than 75%, the program will show the error saying so and will return you to the XMB. (This check can be by passed at your own risk by executing the program with triangle and L pressed.)
- The program will continue showing an agreement. Press X to accept and flash the custom firmware, or R to cancel and exit to the XMB.
- If you accept, the program will flash the custom firmware. Don’t shutdown the PSP or remove the memory stick during the flashing process.
- Once finished, shutdown the psp (by holding the power switch for several seconds) and turn on to 3.02 OE
Updating to OE-B:
- Copy the ‘OEB_UPDATE’ folder into the ‘PSP/GAME’ (or ‘PSP/GAME150’ folder)
- Run the update from the GAME > Memory Stick (will take about a minute)
- Once done, restart the PSP to OE-B and enjoy your PS1 ISOs.
‘Popstation’, a Windows DOS program as been included to help you convert your PS1 ISOs into EBOOTS with full instructions. OE-A/B can be installed on the Undiluted Platinum Modchip with no problems.
This is so sool. it actually works!