Final Fantasy XIV is heading to the PS5 this year, with a open beta starting in April. The upgrade will take advantage of the PS5’s power and features, including improved frame rates, faster loading times and 4K resolution.
The beta will be available to anyone with a PS5, and will start on 13th April 2021. The full version of the game will be available soon after the beta, and anyone with the PS4 version will be able to upgrade at no extra cost.
The Free Trial version of the game will also let you check out the PS5 upgrade, which features all the content from A Realm Reborn and Heavensward up to Patch 3.56.

The next expansion for the game has also been announced, titled Endwalker. This fourth expansion will be available in Autumn for the PS5, PS4 and PC. Endwalker will feature the climax of the long-running Hydaelyn and Zodiark story arc too.
Along with a new story with Alisaie and Alphinaud taking the spotlight, the expansion will also include:
- Journey to Thavnair, the imperial capital of Garlemald, and even the Moon!
- New Jobs: Sage and more
- Level Cap Increase from 80 to 90
- Expansive new areas, including Garlemald, Thavnair, and the city of Radz-at-Han.
- A New Tribe: the Arkasodara
- New threats, including Anima.
- New Dungeons
- Secrets Revealed in a New Alliance Raid Series
- New Small-scale PvP Mode
- An Additional “Trust” ally: Estinien Wyrmblood
- A New Residential District: Ishgard
- Updates to the Gold Saucer
- Relaxing Fun in Island Sanctuary
- New Gear and Crafting Recipes
- Expanded Horizons via the Data Center Travel System