The PS4 has built-in functionality to let you broadcast live gameplay to or uStream, allowing friends and other users to watch you play. We’ve created this short video tutorial on just how easy it is to start broadcasting your gameplay using and the limitations of the PS4.
The PS4 lets you monitor comments by viewers in real-time, and you can use the PS4 Camera and headset to talk to viewers in real-time and let them see you (this can be disabled).
The PS4 also blocks certain elements from the broadcast, like the PS4 Dynamic Menu and related screens. Even trophy information is blocked in the broadcast as the video will show you. The developer is also able to programatically block elements of gameplay from streaming – one such game is Knack. and UStream are the only two services available currently for gameplay streaming. Hopefully, Sony will add YouTube functionality (which also supports Live streaming) and other services.