Final Fantasy VII Remake has 54 trophies in total, with 1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 7 Silver, and 44 Bronze. This trophy guide will help you along the way to attain the coveted Platinum trophy. However, please note that this guide is work in progress and will be updated as new details become available.
Please note that the trophy guide contains spoilers to the game, so only proceed if you are happy. If you have any tips or comments on any of the trophies, please let us know in the comments section below.
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10
- Offline trophies: 54 (44
, 7
, 2
, 1
- Online trophies: None
- Approximate amount of time to Platinum: 60-80 hours
- Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 + Chapter Select
- Number of missable trophies: 0 (use Chapter Select)
- Glitched trophies: None
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes. Hard mode required for Hardened Veteran
- Do trophies stack?: No
- Do cheat codes disable trophies?: No known cheat codes
Road Map
Depending on skill and how much you explore, the Platinum in this game will take you around 70-100 hours to obtain. The game itself is pretty straight forward as it’s mostly linear except for the side quests. The game requires two full playthroughs, once on Normal difficulty, and then on Hard (which only unlocks after the first playthrough). Chapter select can be used to obtain any missable trophies once it’s unlocked after the first playthrough.
Step 1: Normal Playthrough
Start the game in Normal difficulty and aim to complete all the side quests in this play, this will make obtaining Best in the Business (Silver) trophy obtainable in the second step.
Keep a note of which dresses are obtained for Chapter 9 as you will need to make sure the other six dresses are obtained in subsequent plays to unlock the Dressed to the Nines (Silver) trophy (see the trophy for more details below). Be sure to also complete all the Johnny related side-quests in this playthrough for The Johnny Experience (Bronze), which will also help towards the Divine Gratitude (Bronze) trophy.
Follow the Disc Jockey (Silver) instructions below to obtain all the music discs, but don’t worry if you miss any as these can be found again in Step 2. You should also compete as many of the Colosseum and Shinra Combat challenges as possible (some will be locked to Hard mode).
This playthrough is also the best time to complete all of Chadley’s Intel challenges to get Intelligence Agent (Silver). You won’t be able to get all the weapons for Weapons Expert (Silver) until you are far into the game, but be sure to rotate between the weapons to master all the Weapon Abilities to make this trophy easier to get in Step 2.
This will be your longest playthrough due to the vast number of things that need to be completed, taking you 40-60 hours (if you don’t skip the cutscenes).
Step 2: Hard Playthrough
Once Hard mode has been unlocked, use Chapter Select to choose Chapter 1 and play the entire game again in Hard mode.
For Dressed to the Nines (Silver) trophy, you need to obtain the next three dresses in Chapter 3 onwards. You should complete all the side quests in Chapter 3 so you can choose a different dress for Tifa, and complete only three of the side quests in Chapter 8 to get Aerith’s second dress.
Be sure to choose the second set of side-quests in Wall Market (either Madam M or Chocobo Sam) so that you can unlock Best in the Business (Silver) trophy.
In this playthrough, you should complete the Hard mode Shinra Combat Simulator challenges to obtain the following:
- Master of Mimicry (Silver) (be sure to have the Enemy Skill materia equipped).
- That’s the Smell (Silver)
- Ultimate Weapon (Gold)
Before the end of this playthrough, you should have also earned:
- Best in the Business (Silver)
- Building Character (Bronze)
- Weapons Expert (Silver)
Complete the game to get the Hardened Veteran (Gold) trophy. At the end of this playthrough, hopefully you will have obtained six of the nine dresses required for the Dressed to the Nines (Silver) trophy.
Step 3: Chapter Select / Cleanup
Use Chapter Select to jump to Chapter 3 and replay this chapter (on any difficulty) without doing any of the side-quests (to get Tifa’s basic outfit). At the end of this Chapter, you can skip to Chapter 8 and complete no side-quests for Aerith’s basic dress. Finally, in Chapter 9, complete no side-quests to get Cloud’s basic dress.
Use Chapter Select to skip around and obtain any remaining trophies that you’ve missed, for example, the Whack-a-Box, Squat challenge and Pull up challenge related trophies.
Trophy Guide
Master of Fate (Platinum)
Earn all the other trophies to unlock the Platinum trophy.
Onetime Gig (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 1.
Story related. You will earn this trophy after completing the Reactor 1 bombing mission.
Escape Artist (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 2.
Story related. You will earn this trophy after getting the train to Sector 7.
Mercenary Endeavors (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 3.
Story related. You will get this trophy after spending your first night in Sector 7.
Night on the Town (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 4.
Story related. You will earn this after returning to Sector 7 after your covert mission with Jessie, Biggs and Wedge.
Plan E (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 5.
Story related. You will earn this after passing the secret passage towards Reactor 5.
Lights Out (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 6.
Story related.
Trapped like Sewer Rats (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 7.
Story related. This trophy will pop after beating the boss in Reactor 5.
Reunited (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 8.
Story related. This trophy will pop after you meet up with Aerith and start making you way back to Sector 7.
Never the Bridge (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 9.
Story related.
Sewer Survivor (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 10.
Story related. This trophy will pop once you’ve left the sewer system and reached the train graveyard.
Paranormal Investigator (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 11.
Story related. This trophy will pop after making your way through the train graveyard and reaching Sector 7.
The Collapse (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 12.
Story related. This trophy will pop after the Sector 7 plate is dropped by Shinra.
Broken Dreams (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 13.
Story related. This trophy will pop after you return from rescuing Wedge at the Shinra research facility.
Picking Up the Pieces (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 14.
Story related. This trophy will pop past the point of no return as you head topside to rescue Aerith.
The Pizza in the Sky (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 15.
Story related.
No Appointment Needed (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 16.
Story related.
Emerging from Chaos (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 17.
Story related.
Destiny’s Crossroads (Bronze)
Complete Chapter 18.
Story related.
Warming Up (Bronze)
Win a battle.
Story related. You’ll get this right at the beginning of Chapter 1 after jumping of the train and defeating the first two guards.

Weakened Resolve (Bronze)
Exploit an enemy’s weakness.
This can be earned easily in battle. When you have control of Barret in Chapter 1, using Lightning magic on an mechanical enemy.

Bonds of Friendship (Bronze)
Free a bound ally.
This can easily be earned in battle. You need to free an ally who is bound by an enemy. This can be earned in Chapter 1 during the Scorpion boss battle (with Barret) or in Chapter 3 in Scrap Boulevard (with Tifa).
Staggering Start (Bronze)
Stagger an enemy.
This can easily be earned in battle during Chapter 1. On the way to bombing Reactor 1, you’ll have a battle with a mechanical enemy. If you attach the enemy enough, it will be come staggered and therefore vulnerable to more damage.

Music Collector (Bronze)
Collect 3 music discs.
Music discs can be collected after you reach 7th Heaven for the first time in Chapter 3. When a new disc is close, you’ll see a notification on the top left of the screen. The first disc will be in 7th Heaven itself, walk up and interact with the jukebox. Three other discs can be found in the same chapter, see Disc Jockey trophy for more details.

Gotta Start Somewhere (Bronze)
Complete a quest.
This can be obtained in Chapter 3 when Tifa is showing you around town. You will need to complete a side quest and return to the person to unlock this trophy.

My First Ability (Bronze)
Max out a weapon’s proficiency.
This can be earned easily as you progress through the game, by using the same weapon. You can check the progress from the Materia and Weapons option in the menu.

Materia for Beginners (Bronze)
Level up an orb of materia.
This will be earned naturally during the first few chapters of the game. You will obtain your first materia orb in Chapter 2 from Jessie. If you complete some of the side quests in Chapter 3, you should have earned this by Chapter 4.
My First Summon (Bronze)
Invoke a summon.
Story related. Summons will be come available in Chapter 4, with Jessie again providing you with the Ifrit summon. The first chance to use the summon will be at the final battle in Chapter 4 against the Shinra forces.

Biker Boy (Bronze)
Get praised by Jessie at the end of the motorcycle mini-game.
This trophy can be earned in Chapter 4 when you help Jessie on a mission. The requirements for this trophy is to finish the bike mini-game with ~75% health or more remaining. At the end of the bike mini-game, Jessie will say that “you passed” and give you a “reward” (in the form of a trophy and something else…). If you struggle in getting this trophy, attempt it via Chapter Select in Easy mode.

Heavenly Dart Player (Bronze)
Rise to the top of the Seventh Heaven darts leaderboard.
In 7th Heaven, you can play the Darts minigame, located by the Jukebox. The first opportunity to play the minigame is towards the end of Chapter 3, when Avalanche have their secret meeting without Cloud. While waiting for the team to return, head over to the dartboard to play the game.
You’ll have to complete the minigame using 7 or fewer darts. The easiest way is to keep hitting triple-20. It may take some practicing to get hang of the game.

Cleanup Crew (Bronze)
Obtain the Chocobo & Moogle materia.
Missable. The Chocobo & Moogle summon materia can be found in Chapter 6 before taking the cargo platform to Reactor 5 (you will have to turn off the sunlamps first). Look for the secret area to the right of the elevator. You need to deactivate the two control panels before you can access the materia.
After deactivating the first panel you will have 60 seconds to reach the second panel and deactivate it, however, there is a mini boss battle here so you will definitely run out of time.
Leave the room and activate the first panel again. This time around, you will have easier enemies so you should be able to deactivate the second panel within the 60 seconds. Enter the turbine room after the second panel is deactivated and you will find the summon materia just under the blades of the fan.

In Lockstep (Bronze)
Bypass the delta-level security lock in Mako Reactor 5.
Missable. Towards the end of Chapter 7, you will come across an elevator that needs to be unlocked by pulling four levers at the same time. After you’ve unlocked the elevator, don’t proceed to the next part just yet. Instead, go over to the small console by the locked door and interact with it.
You will have move the levers again, but in four different sequences, to get past each security lock. Follow Tifa’s directions using the L and R analogue sticks, and the directions will be shown on the screens either side of Tifa. Don’t worry if you make a mistake. Once the secret area is unlocked, the trophy will pop after a brief conversation between the trio and you can enter the room to grab the discarded items from the previous levels.

Crate Annihilator (Silver)
Complete all Normal difficulty Whack-a-Box challenges.
The Whack-a-Box mini-game can be unlocked in Chapter 8 after completing a bunch of side quests. Eventually, one of the kids will tell you that you can join their “game”. Head over to the secret hideout and speak to the girl to start the mini-game.
You will need to get 30,000 points in the mini-game for the trophy to pop, which isn’t actually very hard. Just remember to time your strikes, save your abilities for the large 1,500 point boxes, and roll between the stacks to save time.

Say it with Flowers (Bronze)
Decorate the Leaf House with a floral arrangement.
In Chapter 8, you will pick some flowers with Aerith and take them to the Leaf House. Later on in the game, you will return to the Leaf House where you’ll find a floral image of a Chocobo. The trophy will pop soon after.

Summon Slayer (Bronze)
Defeat a summon in battle.
In Chapter 8, speak to Chadley and report in any of your battle reports. He will tell you that he can create summon materia but needs some battle data from the VR training. Tackle the Shiva summon battle when you have Aerith in your team, with fire materia and Ifrit equipped. The battle isn’t difficult, but be sure to keep your health up. The trophy will pop when you’ve defeated Shiva.

Sultan of Squat (Bronze)
Complete all squat challenges.
In Chapter 9 Wall Market, head to the gym opposite the Karaoke bar to find three body builders, who you can challenge. In order to get this trophy, you will have to beat two of the guys in a total of three squat challenges. The first two are fairly easy, but the Pro challenge leaves little room for mistakes.
The trick is to try and follow the button sequence without making any mistakes. The more sequences you get correct in a row, the faster you can squat. If you make a mistake, you will fall over and lose valuable seconds. In the Pro challenge, you don’t have time to make any mistakes.

Dancing Queen (Bronze)
Receive a gift from Andrea for being a dance superstar.
In Chapter 9 as part of the story, you will have to join Andrea for a dance at the Honeybee Inn. You must perfect all the dance moves with only 1-2 mistakes. The trophy will pop after the dance as completed, while Cloud is getting a makeover.

Returning Champion (Bronze)
Emerge victorious from a colosseum sparring session.
In Chapter 9, after you fight for Madam M at the colosseum and beat Hell House, you can return to to fight more battles. You can earn the trophy by completing the easiest battle available using Cloud. There are five battles, and consist of common enemies.

Snappy Dresser (Bronze)
Obtain three bridal candidate outfits.
This trophy is story related and will pop when Cloud has a makeover in Chapter 9 after visiting the Honeybee Inn.

Dressed to the Nines (Silver)
Obtain all nine bridal candidate outfits.
This trophy requires you to play Chapters 3, 8 and 9 three times each to get all nine outfit combinations. If you choose to Chapter Select to get all the combinations, note that you will need to complete the chapter until the end for the outfit to lock-in. It is also recommended that you go for the hardest outfits in your first playthrough so you are closer to earning the Best in the Business trophy, and therefore making the other outfits easier to get in subsequent playthroughs.
In Chapter 3, you must complete all the side quests with Tifa to choose what outfit Tima will wear in Chapter 9. The default choice is the Mature outfit. Choose the sporty outfit for the revealing Japanese style black dress, and exotic for the short Kimono-style dress.

For Aerith, the outfit she wears is dependent on how many side quests you complete in Chapter 8. If you complete all of them, Aerith will wear the most impressive red dress in Chapter 9. Complete 3 side quests for the less impressive pink dress, and no side quests for the plain pink outfit.

Finally, for Cloud, the outfits depends on who’s side quests you complete. For the best black and blue dress, you need to complete “The Party Never Stops”, “Dynamite Body” and “Burning Thighs” side quests from Chocobo Sam.
To get the less impressive white and purple dress, you need to complete “The Price of Thievery”, “Shears’ Counterattack” and “Burning Thighs” side quests from Madam M.
Finally, to get the simple black dress, you don’t need to complete any side quests. Just leave Madam M’s massage parlour and attempt to re-enter after a few seconds.

Whack-a-Box Wunderkind (Bronze)
Complete all Hard difficulty Whack-a-Box challenges.
In Chapter 14, you can return to the Kids’ hideout to complete the harder Whack-a-box challenge. Again, this isn’t very difficult but may take you a few goes to achieve.

Peeress of Pull-Ups (Bronze)
Complete all pull-up challenges.
In Chapter 14, you are able to return to the gym to complete a new set of challenges. You need to beat the three people in the gym in increasing difficulty, starting with Andrea.
In the Pro challenge, you will need to complete the challenge perfectly without making any mistakes. Your aim is to achieve around 44-45 pull-ups as Jules will complete between 41 to 44 pull-ups while making a couple of mistakes.

Divine Gratitude (Bronze)
Receive a letter from an angel.
In Chapter 8, you will get the opportunity to complete a side quest for Damon (located outside the cafe closest to Leaf House). You will need to fight a boss and find a letter from the Angel.
You will need to complete all the side quests up and including the ones in Chapter 14. The main one is to raid Corneo’s stash and then return to Marle to give her the tiaras. Then, one the way to Sector 7, before you use the grappling hook (point of no return), you should see a envelope on the floor.

The trophy will pop after picking up the envelope.

The Johnny Experience (Bronze)
Whiteness all Johnny-related incidents.
The first Johnny incident occurs in Chapter 3 with Tifa, when the Shinra officers take Johnny away to be integrated.
You will encounter Johnny again in Chapter 9 when you reach Wall Market, outside the Honeybee Inn, and several other times in this chapter as you progress through the story.
The final Johnny incident will be in the Sector 5 Station. Johnny has lost his wallet and you must get it back from the girl who stole it. This involves tracking down the girl who’s hiding out in Aerith’s church, and the fight a battle for her in Corneo’s Colosseum. Return to her afterwards to get a key to Corneo’s stash and Johnny’s wallet. Return to Johnny and given him the wallet back for the trophy to pop.

Best in the Business (Silver)
Complete all quests.
This trophy requires to complete all the side quests in the game, but there’s a catch. The side quests in Chapter 9 have to different sets, so this chapter will need to be replayed in order to complete all the quests. On your first playthrough, keep an eye on which quests you do, so when you return via Chapter Select, you can do the opposite.
At most, you will be able to complete 24 out of the 26 missions. Once Chapter Select is available, return to Chapter 9 and try and access the missing side quests:
If you talk to Johnny outside the Honeybee Inn, you will get the side quests from Chocobo Sam. These are: Burning Thighs, The Party Never Stops, A Dynamite Body.
If you ignore Sam where ever you can, and get the expensive massage from Madam M, she will be the one giving you the side quests, which are: Burning Thighs, The Price of Thievery, and Shears’ Counterattack.

Disc Jockey (Silver)
Collect all music discs.
Music discs can be collected after visiting 7th Heaven for the first time in Chapter 3. From then on, you will see an indicator on the top left when you are close to a new disc. The first disc can be found by interactive with the jukebox in 7th Heaven. Other disc locations can be found below:

4. Tifa’s Theme – Found in Chapter 3 after visiting 7th Heaven for the first time. Interact with the jukebox to get the first track.
1. Prelude – Found in Chapter 3 when you visit the Item shop with Tifa. You can purchase this from the shopkeeper.
27. Hip Hop de Chocobo – Found in Chapter 3 with a street musician to the left of 7th Heaven, in front of the pizza place. Interact with the artist to get a copy of the disc.
3. Barret’s Theme – Found in Chapter 3 at the food truck towards the Sector 7 station. Talk to the vendor and purchase it.
28. Stamp – Found in Chapter 5 in the secret area after defeating the boss. Instead of taking a left towards the secret passage, head straight and you will find a vending machine with the disc.
18. Electric de Chocobo – Found in Chapter 6 towards earning the Cleanup Crew trophy, after disabling the sunlamps and before taking the cargo elevator to the next section. You can purchase the disc from the vending machine.
2. Bombing Mission – Found in Chapter 7 after unlocking the elevator to in Reactor 5. The disc is found in the vending machine by the bench, and before the boss battle.
21. Cait Sith’s Theme – Found in Chapter 8 when you reach the train station with Aerith. Disc can be found in the vending machine on far end of the platform on your left, which you will pass on your way to Aerith’s house.
19. Costa del Sol – Found in Chapter 8. After making a visit to the Leaf House with flowers, you’ll be able to explore town. This disc can be found at the materia merchant.
21. Tango of Tears – FOund in Chapter 8 by the cafe closest to the Leaf House. The map will show a disc icon to indicate the jukebox at this location. Interact with the jukebox to get this disc.
20. Golden Saucer – Found in Chapter 8 in the kids’ secret hideout. Speak to the kid dressed as a Moogle after rescuing the two kids to buy the disc. You will need to use 2 Moogle medals to get the disc.
23. Descendant of Shinobi – Found in Chapter 8 passed the station. When you are able to get back to the station, look for the merchant who will give you this disc. It’s just a few meters away from Cait Sith’s disc.
22. Cosmo Canyon – In Chapter 9 after using the hand crane for the second time, head straight up to find a vending machine before going down the ladder and through the tunnel. Check the map to finds its location. Buy the disc from the vending machine.
8. Under the Rotting Pizza – In Chapter 9 when you reach Wall Market, take the path to the left to find a jukebox. Interact with the jukebox to get this disc. The map will show the jukebox icon if you can’t find the path.
10. Honeybee Inn – In Chapter 9, speak to the item shop owner in Wall Market to purchase the disc. The item shop is marked on the map so you can’t miss it.
29. The Midgar Blues – in Chapter 9, visit the Karaoke bar in Wall Market. Talk to the singer for a copy of this disc.
17. Farm Boy – In Chapter 9, Wall Market, talking to the cow girl on the upper level towards the Honeybee Inn. She will give you a extra disc.
26. Let the Battle Begin – Remake – In the Honeybee Inn on Chapter 9, complete the dance tutorial with Great score in all 10 moves to get the track.
11. Don of the Slums – In Chapter 9, when you make it into Don Corneo’s mansion and reunite with Tifa, check the Don vending machine for the disc.
9. The Oppressed – In Chapter 10, after you clear the water from the sewers, there is a vending machine in the next room. You can buy the disc from there. This is on the main story path so can’t be missed.
6. Let the Battle Begin! – In Chapter 11 at the Train Graveyard, look for the vending machine playing loud music in the train facility. It’s on the main story path so you can’t miss it.
15. On Our Way – In Chapter 13 when you make it back to the Playground after visiting Marlene at Aerith’s house, speak to the item shop owner. You will come across it in the main story path.
14. Main Theme of FFVII – In Chapter 13 after reuniting with Tifa in the Shinra Facility, you will come across a vending machine with the track playing as part of the main story path, can’t miss it.
16. Good Night, Until Tomorrow – In Chapter 14, check the Hostel in Wall Market. There is a guy standing on the reception area who will give you the disc.
12. Fight On – In Chapter 14 you can return to the Colosseum and talk to the gift shop owner. You can buy the disc from his store.
30. Stand Up – In Chapter 14, check the secret passage to the left of Honeybee Inn. Speak to the girl there to get the disc.
24. Wutai – in Chapter 14, check the path just below the Colosseum heading west. You will find a guy there who will give you the disc.
7. Turks Theme – in Chapter 14, the road called S6-5 will have a woman standing by water. Speak to her to get the disc. This one isn’t on the usual path so be on the lookout.
13. The Chase – In Chapter 14 when you are looking for Corneo’s Hideout, you will come across a vending machine with the disc after exiting the sewers. You can buy the disc from the vending machine.
5. Lurking in the Darkness – In Chapter 15, as you make your way up to the topside, you will come across a vending machine with the disc playing. The vending machine will be in the main story path so you can’t miss it.
31. Scarlett’s Theme – In Chapter 16, this can be found on the 63rd floor of the Shinra Building where the Combat Simulator is located. Look for the jukebox that will be playing the disc in the far corner of the floor next to the bench.

Building Character (Bronze)
Attain level 50 with a character.
This trophy will require some grinding if you are not able to reach level 50 with the two playthroughs required (Easy/Normal mode + Hard mode) to earn the majority of the game’s trophies.
However, it is very likely that you will earn this naturally in the Hard mode playthrough as you get bonus EXP in this mode. The trophy will pop once any character reached Level 50, which is the maximum level in the game.

Staggering Feat (Bronze)
Deal 300% damage to a staggered enemy.
This trophy can be achieved in the Fat Chocobo VR Mission using Tifa, Cloud and Barret. You need to get 300% stagger, but the default is only 160%. In order to build it up to 300%, you need to use Tifa and her weapon abilities to build it up quickly.
The strategy is to build up Tifa’s ATB and use Unbridled Strength twice and wait for the ATB to build up again. Once full, unleash her triangle move twice once the Fat Chocobo is staggered (this should add 30% stagger per attach). Then, use Tifa’s “True Strike” ability twice to build it up another 30%. You may need to do this a third time to reach 300%. Fat Chocobo is the best boss to do this with as their stagger lasts the longest, giving you enough time to use Tifa’s abilities.

Intelligence Agent (Silver)
Complete all battle intel reports.
There are 20 battle reports to complete in total, given to you by Chadley in Sectors 5, 6 and 7. Most of them should be fairly straight forward to complete by following the requirements, but the harder ones will require you to battle various Summons (in particular Leviathan and Bahamut).
The good thing is that some of the later research tasks may be completed automatically before you even obtain them (the game tracks the requirements from the beginning, even if the task hasn’t been unlocked yet).
The other time consuming ones are acquiring 16 weapon abilities (see Weapons Expert trophy), and mastering all 12 types of magic materia. These two may require some grinding to unlock, but should be achievable in the Hard mode playthrough.

Weapons Expert (Silver)
Learn all weapon abilities.
Final Fantasy VII Remake has a total of 24 weapons, with each of the four playable characters having 6 weapons each. Some of the weapons can easily be earned via the story and speaking to weapon shop owners, but the final weapons are harder to comeby.
In order to get this trophy, you must get 100% proficient will each of the weapons, which requires you to use the special ability that comes with the weapon.
Weapons List:
- Buster Sword (Cloud) – Focused Thrust
- Iron Blade (Cloud) – Triple Slash
- Nail Bat (Cloud) – Disorder
- Hardedge (Cloud) – Infinity’s End
- Mythril Saber (Cloud) – Blade Burst
- Twin Stinger (Cloud) – Counterstance
- Gatling Gun (Barret) – Focused Shot
- Light Machine Gun (Barret) – Lifesaver
- Big Bertha (Barret) – Maximum Fury
- Steel Pincers (Barret) – Charging Uppercut
- Wrecking Ball (Barret) – Smackdown
- EKG Cannon (Barret) – Point Blank
- Leather Gloves (Tifa) – Divekick
- Metal Knuckles (Tifa) – Overpower
- Sonic Strikers (Tifa) – Focused Strike
- Feathered Gloves (Tifa) – Starshower
- Mythril Claws (Tifa) – Chi Trap
- Purple Pain (Tifa) – True Strike
- Guard Stick (Aerith) – Arcane Ward
- Silver Staff (Aerith) – Sorcerous Storm
- Arcane Scepter (Aerith) – Fleeting Familiar
- Mythril Rod (Aerith) – Ray of Judgment
- Bladed Staff (Aerith) – Lustrous Shield
- Reinforced Staff (Aerith) – ATB Ward

Once you master the 24 weapon abilities, the trophy will pop. This trophy isn’t difficult to obtain once you have all the weapons, you just need to make sure you cycle through each weapon to master all the skills.
Master of Mimicry (Silver)
Learn all enemy skills.
There are 4 enemy skills you can learn by having the Enemy Skills materia equipped (from Chadley by completing Battle Intel Report 16). The first three can easily be gained by normal play, but the fourth and final one can only be unlocked in Hard mode.
- Spirit Siphon – Learned from Phantom in Chapter 14 (Missing Children Side Quest, found in the grave yard)
- Self-Destruct – Learned from Smogger in Chapter 14 in the Sector 5 Slums area (Intel Gathering mission).
- Algid Aura – Learned from Cerulean Drake in Chapter 15, or in Corneo Colosseum (Wild Animals).
- Bad Breath – Learned from Malboro via the Combat Simulator in Chapter 1. Malboro is available only on Hard difficulty under the battle “Three-Person Team vs. Monsters of Legend”.

That’s the Smell (Silver)
Defeat a marlboro.
See Master of Mimicry trophy above. This trophy requires you to beat Malboro in the Combat Simulator in Hard mode.

Ultimate Weapon (Gold)
Defeat the Pride and Joy prototype
The Pride and Joy battle is only available in Hard Mode from the Shinra Combat Simulator in Chapter 17 (Hojo’s Lab). In order to access this battle, you must have previously completed all the Corneo Colosseum challenges and Shina Combat Simulator challenges.

The Combat Simulator in Chapter 17 can be accessed near the start of Chapter 17 when you meet Chadley (on subsequent playthroughs). Instead of proceeding to the main elevator, head to the room on the right of the main path (the map will show this as Combat Simulator).

The battles before you get to Pride and Joy will be the hardest, especially Bahamut, who’s Mega Flare move will knock out your players if you aren’t using Manawall. The general strategy for the five battles in this challenge should follow:
- Max out your materia where you can, especially HP Up and MP Up materia.
- The ideal team is Cloud, Tifa and Aerith
- Revive and Healing materia should be equipped on all players. For bonus, have Aerith equip Magnify linked to Healing to heal everyone together.
- Equip Ice + Elemental on Tifa or Cloud’s Armour to help with the battle with Shiva, and have the other player equip Fire + Elemental for the battle with Bahamut.
- Max out your HP and MP by equipping 2x HP Up and at least one MP Up on all players. In the battles, make sure you top up your HP before it dips below 50%.
- Equip Barrier and Time materia on Aerith or another player. Haste magic should be used on Tifa and Cloud to help in the battles to build the ATB. Use Cloud’s Force Thrust and Tifa’s Star Power to build the stagger bar to help in taking down the enemy.
- Aerith should be used for dedicated healing where possible, and for Haste and Manawall magic on all players. Manawall is essential to help reduce physical and elemental damage, especially in the Leviathan and Bahamut battles. Be sure to case Manawall on at least two players before Bahamut counts down to zero and fired off Mega Flare.
- Use weapons with the Reprieve ability unlocked to help with the battles. If the player is killed, Reprieve will save the player with 1 HP remaining once each. You can also equip Revival Earrings on all players to auto-revive fallen members once during the challenge. These two could help turn the tide, specially in rounds 3 and 4 where Tidal Wave and Mega Flare cannot be dodged.
- In round 4, Bahamut will summon Ifrit to help, make sure you take Ifrit down as quickly as possible. If you use the player with Elemental + Fire, you may absorb some of his fire attacks to recover HP. Save your Limit Breaks to take down Ifrit quickly – Tifa and Cloud’s Limit Breaks will be able to reduce Ifrit’s HP significantly (or even kill him).
- Switch between the players as often as you can, especially when the enemy is focused on attacking your active player. With Leviathan and Bahamut, this will be important to divert attention and get a chance to cure and revive players.
- For the Pride and Joy battle (round 5), try and get around the back and attack the legs. This will sometimes cause the prototype to fall, making it easy to inflict physical damage. Lightning magic will also help to build the stagger bar. After the Bahamut fight, this battle will be much easier.
Hardened Veteran (Gold)
Complete all chapters on Hard difficulty.
Hard mode can be unlocked by completing the game for the first time. This will require a second playthrough of the game, completing all 18 chapters on Hard difficulty.
You won’t be able to start a new game in Hard Mode, but loading Chapter 1 using Chapter Select will allow you to play the entire game again in Hard Mode. You will have to complete the entire Chapter, and at the end you will see a notification that the Chapter has been completed in Hard Mode.
You can keep track of which Chapters have been completed in Hard Mode using Chapter Select. This is particularly useful if you choose to skip around in order to complete some of the other trophies that require multiple playthroughs.