In a positive spin over Valve’s controversial stance of publically refusing to support the PlayStation platform, calling PS3 development as difficult and complex, the studio has now taken a u-turn and hinted at providing future PS3 software support.
The studio known for its hugely popular Half Life series and the recent Left 4 Dead series was heavily criticised over their anti-PlayStation stance, which lead to The Orange Box being ported to the PS3 by another third party studio.
Speaking to CVG, the writer of Left 4 Dead Chet Faliszek states “We thought that the Orange Box didn’t put our best foot forward with the PS3 community. We don’t want to do something like that again on the PS3. We want to give PS3 owners the best possible experience.”
“Some of that will come from us learning and getting better. Before we can go onto the PS3 again, we want to make sure we’re better at developing for it.”
Fair enough call on the “wanting to be better first” thing but I’m not sure I believe it? Having said that I LOVE Portal so I got “Orange Box” just for that game.
@TheFreak7 Seeing how long Valve take to develop something [with exception to Left 4 Dead 2], we could be waiting till the next decade for a PS3 title! lol. Still waiting for Half Life 2 Episode 3!
About Damn time, I was really quite peeved with Valve for not liking the PS3 but as they are in the process of pulling them selves together Congratz for them.