A new patch for Modern Warfare 2 is now available to download, addressing the trophy bug we wrote about earlier this week. The v1.02 patch, however, does not address other issues in the game, such as problems in inviting friends to join in a multiplayer game via the Party System. A new patch will be released this Friday to address some of the other issues in the game.
But to be honest, simple problems like this should have been discovered and fixed before the game was released. It’s unacceptable that a game of this value has such trivial problems. At least Infinity Ward released a patch fairly quickly or there would have been a lot of unhappy gamers.
lol stop hackin
this sucks really , mw 2 is a scam for addicted cods
I havnt played it on my ps3 yet, I hope its better then on the xbox. I’m lookign foward to playing online for free. Shame that it already needs an update.