A huge update to the PlayStation Store this week. Both the US and European Stores have received a ton of new game add-on content. The stores have new content for PAIN, LittleBigPlanet, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Star Wars Unleashed and Sid Meier?s Civilization Revolution. There are no new demos to either store this week, which is a shame, but the update also includes new game videos and trailers, movie trailers and some new wallpapers and themes. Check out the list below.
European Additions:
- Game Add-on Content
- David Hasselhoff add-on pack (£1.19/?1.49)
- Movie Studio add-on pack (£3.99/?4.99)
- Dead Space
- Astronaut Pack (£2.39)
- Big Gun Pack (£0.79)
- Heavy Damage Pack (£2.39)
- Hot Rod Pack (£0.79)
- Military Pack (£3.19)
- Pedestrian Pack (£1.19)
- Scorpion Pack (£3.19)
- Scorpion Weapon Pack (£1.59)
- Speed Kills Pack (£1.59)
- Tank Pack (£3.19)
- Obsidian Weapon Skin Pack (£1.19)
- Obsidian Pack (£2.39)
- LittleBigPlanet
- Sack-Eating Plant costume
- Animal Costumes pack (£2.39/?2.99)
- Lily Pad costume (£0.79/?0.99)
- Hugo costume (£0.79/?0.99)
- Great Blue costume (£0.79/?0.99)
- Frost-E costume (£0.79/?0.99)
- Guitar Hero World Tour
- "Another Way To Day" – Jack White and Alicia Keys (£1.49/?1.99)
- "Bag It Up" – Oasis (£1.49/?1.99)
- Hendrix track pack (£3.99/?5.99)
- "Horse To Water" – REM (£1.49/?1.99)
- "Man Sized Wreath" – REM (£1.49/?1.99)
- Oasis track pack (£3.99/?5.99)
- REM track pack (£3.99/?5.99)
- "Supernatural Superserious" – REM (£1.49/?1.99)
- "The Shock Of Lightning" – Oasis (£1.49/?1.99)
- "Waiting For The Rapture" – Oasis (£1.49/?1.99)
- Rock Band
- Foo Fighters’ The Colour and the Shape album (£9.99/?14.99)
- "Doll" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "Monkey Wrench" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "Hey, Johnny Park!" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "My Poor Brain" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "Wind Up" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "Up in Arms" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "My Hero" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "See You" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "Enough Space" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "February Stars" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "Walking After You" (£0.99/?1.49)
- "New Way Home" (£0.99/?1.49)
- Soul Calibur IV Equipment
Customization Packs (£0.79 – £1.59/?0.99 – ?1.99) - Star Wars The Force Unleashed Character Pack 1 (£6.29/?7.99)
- Everybody’s Golf 5 character pack (£3.19/?3.99)
- Sid Meier?s Civilization Revolution
- "The Terrestrial" Multiplayer Map Pack (£0.79/?0.99)
- "Elemental" Multiplayer Map Pack
- Game Videos
- 6x Shoot videos
- Bioshock 2 teaser trailer
- Shaun White’s Snowboarding trailer
- 2x Soul Calibur IV trailers
- Tomb Raider Underworld trailer
- Tom Clancy’s EndWar video
- MotorStorm Pacific Rift "Air Zone" trailer
- Themes and Wallpaper
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue theme
- 4x Far Cry 2 wallpapers
US Additions:
- Downloadable Games
- Age of Booty ($9.99)
- Game Add-on Content
- LittleBigPlanet
- MotorStorm Stormers Costume ($1.99)
- Sack-Eating Plant Costume (SCEE contest winner)
- Lilly Pad Costume ($0.99)
- Hugo Costume ($0.99)
- Great Blue Costume ($0.99)
- Frost E Costume ($0.99)
- Animal Costume Bundle ($2.99)
- Hot Shots Golf Out Bounds Costume Pack 2 ($2.99)
- Movie Studio Lot ($5.99)
- The Hoff Character ($1.99)
- FIFA ’09
- Brazilian Commentary Pack
- Czech Commentary Pack
- Dutch Commentary Pack
- English Commentary Pack
- English #2 Commentary Pack ($4.99)
- French Commentary Pack
- German Commentary Pack
- Hungarian Commentary Pack
- Italian Commentary Pack
- Mexico Commentary Pack
- Polish Commentary Pack
- Portuguese Commentary Pack
- Russian Commentary Pack
- Spanish Commentary Pack
- Swedish Commentary Pack
- Need for Speed: Undercover
- Aftermarket Body Kit Package ($2.00)
- Aftermarket Hood, Spoilders and Exhaust Package ($2.00)
- Aftermarket Wheels Package ($2.00)
- Collector?s Edition Upgrade ($10.00)
- Exotic Car Bundle ($7.50)
- Muscle Car Bundle ($5.00)
- Paint and Vinyls Package ($2.00)
- Pro Handling Bundle ($2.75)
- Pro Power Bundle ($3.75)
- Race Handling Bundle ($2.25)
- Race Power Bundle ($3.00)
- Street Handling Bundle ($1.75)
- Street Power Bundle ($2.25)
- Tuner Car Bundle ($5.00)
- Ultimate Performance Bundle ($10.00)
- Ultimate Visual Bundle ($5.00)
- Sid Meier?s Civilization Revolution
- Multiplayer Map Pack 1: Elemental
- Multiplayer Map Pack 2: Terrestrial ($1.25)
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Costume Pack 1 ($4.99)
- Guitar Hero World Tour
- Hendrix Track Pack ($5.49)
- "Horse to Water" – R.E.M. ($1.99)
- "Man-Sized Wreath" – R.E.M. ($1.99)
- "Supernatural Superserious" – R.E.M. ($1.99)
- R.E.M. Track Pack ($5.49)
- Rock Band
- "Doll" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "Enough Space" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "February Stars" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "Hey, Johnny Park!" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "Monkey Wrench" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "My Hero" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "My Poor Brain" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "New Way Home" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "See You" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "Up In My Arms" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "Walking After You" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "Wind Up" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "The Colour and the Shape" Album – Foo Fighters ($19.99)
- LittleBigPlanet
- Game Videos
- Alpha Protocol Trailer
- Guitar Hero World Tour Zakk Wylde Vignette Network Trailer
- Soul Calibur IV Gameplay Preview Network Trailer
- WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2009 Network Trailer
- AST Play The Pros Cleveland
- AST Orlando Pro Moment
- Movie and Blu-Ray Trailers
- Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian Blu-ray Disc Trailer
- Wall-E Blu-ray Disc
- BD-Live Educational Demo Blu-ray Disc Trailer