Sony has released Life with PlayStation without letting out a single word about it. An update is available for the Folding@Home client, which installed replaces the folding icon with the Life with PlayStation icon (which is much more suited to the XMB). If you are using Life with PlayStation, your online status will also be updated to show the same (Folding@Home will be replaced with Life with PlayStation).
We will be uploading a video of Life with PlayStation soon, so look out for it.
The release of Life with PlayStation was accidently released today, and Sony have since pulled the update. Sony as stated that during today’s test phase, the update was accidently released to the general public. The official release isn’t going to be today as we previously reported. Sony will be making an official announcement on the release soon.
[Originally Posted On: 17/09/08 01:34 PM]
doesnt work i still got F@H wats the new version i got i 1.31 an the system update 2.43
THIS SUCKS!! i only jus deleted f@h a few days ago, nd then only after i dl the upd8 michaelmanu tells me bout life with ps xD