Ron Festejo, Home’s creative director, has confirmed that Home will enter its open beta phase in November this year. "Around July we’re going to be expanding on the closed beta phase and allowing more people to gradually come in, and then in November this year we’ll be going to the open beta," he said, speaking at last week’s PlayStation Day in London. He added: "The extension to the closed beta allows us to have more conversations with our community."
"We’re very much in close conversations with them. A lot of the changes we’ve done have been the result of feedback. We’ve asked the community a lot of questions, they’ve given us a lot of feedback as to what they think needs improving, and we’re doing that, so it’s managing expectations." Look out for Home this July. It time to bookmark the PlayStation Home Beta Website.
[Source: videogaming247]
when i tryed to download home it just gave me a video and i was real mad about that can someone tell about that plz cause i relly want to play the because it looks asome