The PlayStation Store has been updated today with some great new content. For Europe, the Metal Gear Online Beta is now available to download and so in the new Warhawk booster pack, Operation: Broken Mirror. The US has received Gran Turismo 5: Prologue as well as the MGO Beta and Warhawk booster pack. A great update for everyone indeed, though the US also benefits from additional Rock Band content and more videos. Check out the list of additions below.
European Additions:
- Playable Games
- Metal Gear Online Beta
- Game Add-on Content:
- Warhawk Operation: Broken Mirror booster pack (£3.99)
- Lair Deadly Dragons booster pack
- Videos
- GTAIV Trailer 4 – ‘Everyone’s a Rat’
US Additions:
- Playable Demos
- UEFA Euro 2008
- Playable Games
- Metal Gear Online Beta
- Gran Turismo 5: Prologue
- Game Add-on Content:
- Warhawk Operation: Broken Mirror booster pack ($7.99)
- Warhawk Booster Pack Combo: Omega Dawn and Broken Mirror ($11.99)
- Rock Band
- "Still Alive" – GLaDOS and Jonathan Coulton (free)
- "Sprode" – Freezepop ($0.99)
- "Shake" – Count Zero ($0.99)
- "Rock Rebellion" – Bang Camaro ($0.99)
- Harmonix Pack 1 ($2.99)
- "Call Me" – Blondie ($1.99)
- "Simple Man" – Lynyrd Skynyrd ($1.99)
- "Message In A Bottle" – The Police ($1.99)
- "Classic Rock Pack 1 ($5.49)
- Videos
- Warhawk Broken Mirror Trailer
- Condemned 2: Bloodshot Making Of The TV Spot
- HAZE Mantel Corporate Vision
- This is Vegas Annoucement Trailer
anyone else having problems with metal gear solid demo?