As we previously reported, the new PlayStation Store will launch in mid-April, prior to the release of the new Warhawk booster pack, Operation: Broken Mirror. The store will come as part of PS3 Firmware 2.30, which will replace the current web-based store with a embedded store that will allow for quicker loading. As a result, the mouse pointer will be removed and navigating the store will be similar to navigating a menu (like the XMB). The standard definition version of the store will list more items than the current 3 item limit.
The content and categories for the new store will vary between the different regions, but this is mainly due to the different market needs. The new PlayStation Store will only affect the PS3 version, and not the PC version. The new store will dynamically update every time you visit, however, the background will remain the same for now. Due to regional licensing, legal logistics, language, and localization, a "global" PlayStation will not be created, so you will still have to wait until games are available in your region.
The new layout will mean that 20 items will be displayed on a page, compared to just 6 (3 for SD displays) items on the current layout. This will make finding what you want easier, and decreasing navigation time. More screenshots will be released before the final launch so look our for those.
Noel Silvia wrote on PlayStation.Blog (March 31st at 10:04 AM):
"The new Store will no longer be browser based in the same way the current Store is, making things A LOT faster and smoother; hence the required firmware update.
On the back end, this switch in systems means having to port all of the current code over to the new Store, and, since the new Store is less ‘texty’ and more ‘visual’, it also means having to create a whole bunch of new art assets just for this Store.
We appreciate everyone understanding that these things take time, and appreciate everyone’s patience. We’re just as excited about the new Store as you are!
Hope this helped to answer your question!"
Noel Silvia wrote on PlayStation.Blog (March 31st at 6:49 PM):
"That’s correct – the new Store will be mouse free, so it’ll be like clicking through a menu rather than looking at a web page.
One of the many great advantages of leaving behind an web-based Store."
Noel Silvia wrote on PlayStation.Blog (March 31st at 6:57 PM):
"You’ll see some dynamic changes each time you log in to the new Store, but the background will not change…for now.
Hope this helps answer your question!"