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PS4 Becomes a Tiny Bit More Powerful as 7th Core Unlocked

The PS4 has octa-core CPU (that’s 8 cores), but until now, Developers have only been able to access six of the eight cores, as two were reserved for the operating system. However, this has now changed as Sony recentlt unlocked the 7th core for developers to use.

It will take some time for developers to make use of the extra core, but one company is already leveraging it. According to Eurogamer, Audio middleware maker Firelight Technologies released a new version of its sound effects engine FMOD, which mentions the newly unlocked 7th core.

In particular, the changelog for version v1.07.03 reads: “PS4 – Added FMOD_THREAD_CORE6 to allow access to the newly unlocked 7th core.”


What does this mean for PS4 gamers? All the games you already have use 6 cores, so they won’t be able to take advantage of the 7th core without a patch. Not many developers will update their games to use the new core if it already works on six. However, games in development will be able to take advantage if they are still in development.

All in all, the 7th core will slightly improve loading times and help games run smoother. But most won’t probably notice anything different.


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