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Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Going Free-to-Play

The multiplayer component from Uncharted 3 will be going free-to-play this week, allowing gamers to experience the online component of the game, without purchasing the full game. The information first appeared on the US PlayStation Blog, but was quickly pulled down shortly after, suggesting it’s at least coming this week.

The multiplayer component has lots of DLC to go with it, but none of it’s really required to play the game. However, it’s a good way for Naughty Dog and Sony to breathe some new life into the game. Presumably, like other free-to-play games, there will be limits in place that will prompt users to go premium.

This news could also mean the PSN Pass for the game may no longer be needed to play the online component, so those that haven’t played the single-player portion can purchase a second hand copy of the game. But that’s just speculation for the moment.

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