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Resident Evil 2 Remake Announced for January 2019

20 years since the game was first release, Resident Evil 2 is getting the remake treatment with a PS4 version, and releasing in January 2019. The game will use the same powerful RE Engine that was used in Resident Evil 7, with every detail from Raccoon City and it’s inhabitants being rebuilt from the ground up with photorealistic graphics.

Both long-time veterans of the franchise and those who are new to the series will have a lot to look forward to with Resident Evil 2. The RE Engine brings the city to life in a whole new way, offering a fresh take on Claire and Leon’s stories of desperate survival.

Leon S. Kennedy is a rookie cop who finds himself tied up in the madness of Raccoon City when he reports in for the world’s worst first day on the job, while Claire Redfield is a street savvy college student who defies the danger of the city as she searches for her brother, Chris.

Both characters will be playable through separate storylines, each bringing with them a unique perspective on the game’s events as their paths intertwine to tell the complete tale of Resident Evil 2, including familiar faces and story elements and extra modes from the original 1998 release.

The game is set to release on the PS4 on 25th January, 2019.

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