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MAG Beta Now In Phase 4

The next phase of the MAG Beta has just kicked off. The game has seen more than 6,000 changes from our last phase to Beta 4, not the least of which include an increased level cap from 40 to 60, a retooled skill tree and experience curve, and an improved ranking system. Two new major features have been added to Beta 4, including “proximity chat”, which allows you to hear enemies communicating as you get closer, and the Shadow War bonuses system, which rewards players based on the number of contracts own by their PMC.

Other new additions to Beta 4 include improvements to character hit detection and reactions, skill tuning that sees many of the existing skills amped up, refined Leadership abilities and experience points, and numerous other changes that beta testers have spotted over the last cycle.

Beta 4 is exclusive to GameStop pre-orders, and the limited pre-scheduled play times have been removed – the servers are now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Phase 3 beta tests are ending on November 20th 2009.

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