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CES 2008: Sony confirms in-game XMB access

In-game XMB access tops everyone’s list when it comes to new firmware features, since it will allow messaging and possibly music playback. Sony has finally answered everyone’s prayers and will added it to the PS3 sometime this year. Sony’s Paul Purdy confirmed the long-requested feature but didn’t give away any information on what it would allow users to do.

As most of you know the PS3 Operating System, known as the XMB or Cross Media Bar, is not available when playing games, which means you cannot read or send messages when playing games. In-game XMB access will mean you will be able to access the XMB from in-game to access some of its features while in-game, so you can read and send messages and even edit settings, play music and add new buddies. The release date for in-game XMB access has not been revealed but it will be released this year.

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